29.Dec.2011 EMPAFREE: Spoonhead
Our friends over at EMPAFREE have released a track… you should check it out!
“Introducing EMPAFREE:
EMPAFREE is a free outlet for new creative talent. We’ll be releasing
a series of tracks from a wide range of musicians.. all fully
downloadable… all free… all the time. So bookmark our soundcloud
page and check back regularly.
Without further ado, let us introduce you our first release: New
Zealand’s newest tweakmeister… Spoonhead.
We think he has done a spiffing job of jigging up a timeless classic –
you wont be disappointed. This pointed hoodie wearing individual is
establishing himself as one of Australasia’s most exciting new live
acts. Spoonhead’s mouldable, tweakable live set makes for loads of fun
on the dance floor and allows plenty of room for experimentation. The
Spoonhead experience sends you awash on the dance floor with liquidy
surf and underwater creatures freshly recorded on the Pacific floor.
Futuristic synths soar over ancient tribal rhythms while richly
layered textures infuse with the sounds of his homeland Aotearoa, New
Rumour has it this isn’t the last you’ll be hearing of Spoonhead –
keep your eyes & ears peeled kiddies, there’s more to come.
Don’t forget to check out Spoonhead’s own soundcloud: